Posted by: asabbott | August 20, 2007

Day 89 (Ravenna, Italy) – Free concert

Today was another day at the beach.  I’m really starting to get some nice color and have almost reached that “healthy” look instead of the “is he breathing” pale skin color.  Everybody who I had met was still around so we all were hanging out together.   We even picked up a couple of new people, Kadja and Thomas both from Germany.  It seems like most of the people here who aren’t Italian are German.  And they all seem to be from the Brovarian region (where Munich is).

Thomas and I spent most of the afternoon exchanging various slang words and dirty phrases.  I would teach him something in English and then he would repeat the favor to me in German.  Then I would go practice it on either Kristin or Kadja.  Thomas and I were quite amused and having a great time, the girls – no so much.

For dinner our group decided to head to Revanna because Belin and Bea said there was a famous church there.  It was only an hour train ride away so it was a good activity to get away from the beach.  I don’t know how famous the church is but it was amazing.  It was quite different from anything other church or cathedral that I had seen so far because it as a dome instead of the long gothic style through out Europe. 

When we walked inside there were a bunch of chairs setup with people sitting in them waiting for some kind of performance to start.  We decided to stick around for a little bit and ended up being treated to a wonderful pianist concert.  It was really wonderful because of the setting in this old church and the acoustics it provided.

After the concert we grabbed some pizza and gelato and then caught the train back to Rimini.

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